An Enhanced Drawing Reproduction Graphical Password Strategy
Passwords are used in the vast majority of computer and communication systems for authentication. The greater security and memorability of graphical passwords make them a possible alternative to traditional textual passwords. In this paper we propose a new graphical password scheme called YAGP, which is an extension of the Draw-A-Secret (DAS) scheme. The main difference between YAGP and DAS is soft matching. The concepts of the stroke-box, image-box, trend quadrant, and similarity are used to describe the images characteristics for soft matching. The reduction in strict user input rules in soft matching improves the usability and therefore creates a great advantage. The denser grid granularity enables users to design a longer password, enlarging the practical password space and enhancing security. Meanwhile, YAGP adopts a triple-register process to create multi-templates, increasing the accuracy and memorability of characteristics extraction. Experiments illustrate the effectiveness of YAGP.