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Xie Hongliang, Gong Jie, C.S.Tang. A Structured Temporal Logic Language:XYZ/SE[J]. Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 1991, 6(1): 1-10.
Citation: Xie Hongliang, Gong Jie, C.S.Tang. A Structured Temporal Logic Language:XYZ/SE[J]. Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 1991, 6(1): 1-10.

A Structured Temporal Logic Language:XYZ/SE

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  • Published Date: January 09, 1991
  • In order to enhance the readability and to simplify the verification of temporal logic programs in the XYZ system,we propose a structured temporal logic language called XYZ/SE,based on XYZ/BE which is the basis language of the XYZ system.A set of proof rules are given and proved to be sound and adequate for proving the partial correctness of XYZ/SE programs in a compositional way.Moreover,we show that every XYZ/BE program can be transformed into an equivalent XYZ/SE program.So we have developed a general co…
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