EAFoC: Enterprise Architecture Framework Based on Commonality
The recent rapid development in information systems(ISs) has resulted in a critical need for integration andinteroperability between heterogeneous ISs in various domains, usingspecific commonalities. However, stovepipe systems have been caused dueto inconsistencies in planning IS architecture among stakeholders. Sofar, there has been no research on an enterprise architecture framework(EAF) that can satisfy with the coefficient factors of systemarchitecture (SA) and enterprise architecture (EA). This paper proposesa new EAF that can resolve the problems inherent in existing legacyEAFs and their features. EAFoC (Enterprise Architecture Framework basedon Commonality) is based on commonality that can be satisfied as thecoefficient factors in both SA and EA within a common informationtechnology (IT) domain. Thus, it should be possible to integrate anestablished heterogeneous framework for each stakeholder's view.Consequently, the most important contribution of this paper is toestablish the appropriate EAFoC for the development of consistent ISarchitecture, smooth communication among stakeholders, systematicintegration management of diversified and complicated new ITtechnologies, interoperability among heterogeneous ISs, and reusabilitybased on commonality with other platforms.