Effective I/O Scheme Based on RTP for Multimedia Communication Systems
The prime standard for audio/video transport in IP networks is theReal-time Transport Protocol (RTP), and it is targeted at useful services forthe transport of real-time multimedia data. RTP was originally designedfor use in multicast conferences, using the lightweight sessions model.RTP (in particular, the data part) is so tightly coupled to theapplication that a number of people have developed libraries thatimplement RTP. However, little is known about the RTP overheads betweenuser area and kernel area within operating system. Actually, unnecessarycopying between user area and kernel area lowers the system efficiency.In this paper, we present the design and implementation of EnhancedMultimedia Input/Output Scheme based on LINUX. We brought focus to thecrossover architecture supporting RTP. Our contributions are able to besummarized into two components: 1) Enhanced Input/Output (EIO) schemebased on LINUX improves the transmission speed by reducing the overheadsgenerated from data copy and context switch between user area and kernelarea. And this enables server-based system to transport multimedia datamore efficiently. 2) Furthermore, Enhanced Input/Output scheme with RTP(EIORTP) scheme supports efficient multimedia data transmissionarchitecture. The two schemes improve the performance ofmassive multimedia data transmission.