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Volume 24 Issue 5
September  2009
Anna Gutowska, Andrew Sloane, Kevan A. Buckley. On Desideratum for B2C E-Commerce Reputation Systems[J]. Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 2009, 24(5): 820-832.
Citation: Anna Gutowska, Andrew Sloane, Kevan A. Buckley. On Desideratum for B2C E-Commerce Reputation Systems[J]. Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 2009, 24(5): 820-832.

On Desideratum for B2C E-Commerce Reputation Systems

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  • Author Bio:

    Anna Gutowska received her first class honours M.Sc. degree inmanagement and marketing specialised in computer applications foreconomy from the Technical University of Bialystok, Poland in 2003, anda first class honours B.Sc. degree in computer science from the sameuniversity in 2004. She is currently a lecturer in the School ofComputing and Information Technology at the University ofWolverhampton, UK, where her main teaching lies in the areas ofinformation systems, databases and websites. At the same time sheconducts a part-time Ph.D. study. She received the Best Student PaperAward at the 5th International Conference on Information Systems andTechnologies (WEBIST 2009). Her current research focuses on developingan agent-based reputation system for E-commerce that improves aspectsof trust.

    Andrew Sloane is a professor of telematics in the School of Computingand IT, University of Wolverhampton, UK. His main subject interest iscomputer communications. He is the author of three books oncommunications, computer communications (1993 and 2nd Ed. 1999),multimedia communication (1996) and Internet multimedia (2005). Currentprojects are concerned with inter-personal communication in the home,and communication in business and education.

    Kevan A. Buckley obtained his B.Sc. degree in computing science fromTeesside Polytechnic before moving to University of Wales, Cardiff toundertake postgraduate study and research. Whilst there he received anM.Sc. degree in systems engineering, a Ph.D. degree in artificial intelligence androbotics and subsequently occupied a post-doctoral research post in theCardiff Manufacturing Engineering Centre. He is currently a principallecturer in the School of Computing and Information Technology atUniversity of Wolverhampton, where his main teaching is focused oncomputer programming and artificial Intelligence. His research interestsinclude the transfer of AI technologies into new application areas andhe is currently working on cyber emotions: http://www.cyberemotions.eu.

  • Revised Date: May 31, 2009
  • Published Date: September 04, 2009
  • This paper reviews existing approaches to reputation systems, their constraints as well as available solutions. Furthermore, it presents and evaluates a novel and comprehensive reputation model devoted to the distributed reputation system for Business-to-Consumer (B2C) E-commerce applications that overcomes the discussed drawbacks. The algorithm offers a comprehensive approach as it considers a number of issues that have a bearing on trust and reputation such as age of ratings, transaction value, credibility of referees, number of malicious incidents, collusion and unfair ratings. Moreover, it also extends the existing frameworks based on information about past behaviour, with other aspects affecting online trading decisions which relate to the characteristic of the providers, such as existence of trustmark seals, payment intermediaries, privacy statements, security/privacy strategies, purchase protection/insurance, alternative dispute resolutions as well as the existence of first party information.
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