Logic Programs, Compatibility and Forward Chaining Construction
Logic programming under the stable model semantics is proposed as a non-monotonic language for knowledge representation and reasoning in artificial intelligence. In this paper, we explore and extend the notion of \em compatibility and the \it\Lambda operator, which were first proposed by Zhang to characterize default theories. First, we present a new characterization of stable models of a logic program and show that an extended notion of compatibility can characterize \em stable submodels. We further propose the notion of weak auto-compatibility which characterizes the \em Normal Forward Chaining Construction proposed by Marek, Nerode and Remmel. Previously, this construction was only known to construct the stable models of FC-normal logic programs, which turn out to be a proper subclass of weakly auto-compatible logic programs. We investigate the properties and complexity issues for weakly auto-compatible logic programs and compare them with some subclasses of logic programs.