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Liu Dongbo, Li Deyi. A Fuzzy Proof Theory[J]. Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 1990, 5(1): 92-96.
Citation: Liu Dongbo, Li Deyi. A Fuzzy Proof Theory[J]. Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 1990, 5(1): 92-96.

A Fuzzy Proof Theory

More Information
  • Published Date: January 09, 1990
  • Based on the first order predicate logic, in this paper, we present a new approach to generalizing the syn- tax of ordinary Horn clause rules to establish a fuzzy proof theory. First of all, each Horn clause rule is associ- ated with a numerical implication strength f. Therefore we obtain f-Horn clause rules. Secondly, Herbrand in- terpretations can be generalized to fuzzy subsets of the Herbrand base in the sense of Zadeh. As a result the proof theory for Horn clause rules can be developed in much the same…
  • [1]
    L.A.Zadeh, Fuzzy sets, Injorm.and Control , 8(1965),338-353.
    P.H.Winston , Artificial Intelligence , Addison-Wesley, 1978.
    Liu Dongbo and Li Deyi, Fuzzy reasoning based on f-Horn clause rules,Proc.1st Int'l Workshop on Algebraic and Logic Programming, Akademie -Verlag,Berlin,1988,214-222.
    Liu Dongbo and Li Deyi, Fuzzy PROLOG language and expert systems, Mini-Micro Computer Systems, 9:5(1988),26-31.
    Liu Dongbo et al., A new fuzzy inference language f-PROLOG, Computer Engineering, 1(1989),23一27.
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