Inferring Solids Composed of Linear and Quadratic Surfaces from Incomplete Three Views
This paper introduces anautomatically reasoning system for inferring linear and quadraticsurface solids from incomplete three views. The method is based on humanreasoning. Initially, quadratic surface primitives are recognized andextracted according to possibility computation. Then, the datarelative only to quadratic surface primitives are removed from the giventhree views and polyhedrons are constructed based on the remaining data.The final solid is constructed by assembling all the generated quadraticsurface primitives and the polyhedrons. The system has been implementedin C and OpenGL on Windows NT. The constructed solid can beobserved at any angle by rotating it using the keyboard. Many examplesare tested and the experimental results show that the system is veryrobust, and can accurately and effectively construct a suitable solidcomposed of linear and quadratic surfaces from incomplete three views.