Knowledge Base Grid: A Generic Grid Architecture for Semantic Web
The emergence of semantic web will result in anenormous amount of knowledge base resources on the web. In this paper,a generic Knowledge Base Grid Architecture (KB-Grid) for buildinglarge-scale knowledge systems on the semantic web is presented.KB-Grid suggests a paradigm that emphasizes how to organize, discover,utilize, and manage web knowledge base resources. Four principalcomponents are under development: a semantic browser for retrieving andbrowsing semantically enriched information, a knowledge server actingas the web container for knowledge, an ontology server for managing webontologies, and a knowledge base directory server acting as theregistry and catalog of KBs. Also a referential model of knowledgeservice and the mechanisms required for semantic communicationwithin KB-Grid are defined. To verify the design rationale underlyingthe KB-Grid, an implementation of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) isdescribed.