Minimizing ADMs on WDM Directed Fiber Trees
This paper proposes a polynomial-time algorithm forMinimum WDM/SONET Add/Drop Multiplexer Problem (MADM) on WDM directedfiber trees whether or not wavelength converters are used. It runs intime O (m^2 n), where n and m are the number of nodes of the treeand the number of the requests respectively. Incorporating T. Erlebachet al.'s work into the proposed algorithm, it also reaches the lower bound of therequired wavelengths with greedy algorithms for the case withoutwavelength converters. Combined with some previous work, the algorithmreduces the number of required wavelengths greatly while using minimalnumber of ADMs for the case with limited wavelength converters. Theexperimental results show the minimal number of required ADMs on WDMdirected fiber trees.