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Assisting Visually Impaired People to Acquire Targets on a Large Wall-Mounted Display

  • 摘要: 大屏幕显示器在人们的日常生活中已经普及,但是这些屏幕是根据非视力障碍人群的需求设计的。此文研究满足视力障碍者访问大屏挂壁式显示器上目标的需求。笔者研发了一种利用空中手势输入和触觉反馈的辅助界面,并研究了其在人机交互中指向和引导任务中的潜在应用。在本文的两项实验中,盲人用户和被蒙上眼睛的非盲人用户通过使用空中手势和两种不同的反馈(触觉反馈和声音反馈)进行了目标获取任务。实验结果表明:在费茨法则指向任务中,被试在使用触觉反馈界面时反应快于使用声音反馈界面。此外,一项移动时间和难度系数之间的回归分析表明费茨法则模型和指导法则模型对于盲人协助界面的评价是有效的。笔者的工作与发现为协助视力障碍人群轻松地使用触觉界面获取大型公共显示器上的目标信息迈出了第一步。


    Abstract: Large displays have become ubiquitous in our everyday lives, but these displays are designed for the needs of sighted people. This paper addresses the need for visually impaired people to access targets on large wall-mounted displays. We developed an assistive interface which exploits mid-air gesture input and haptic feedback, and examined its potential for pointing and steering tasks in human computer interaction (HCI). In two experiments, blind and blindfolded users performed target acquisition tasks using mid-air gestures and two different kinds of feedback, (i.e., haptic feedback and audio feedback). Our results show that participants perform faster in Fitts’ law pointing tasks using the haptic feedback interface rather than the audio feedback interface. Furthermore, a regression analysis between movement time (MT) and the index of difficulty (ID) demonstrates that the Fitts’ law model and the steering law model are both effective for the evaluation of assistive interfaces for the blind. Our work and findings will serve as an initial step to assisting visually impaired people to easily access required information on large public displays using haptic interfaces.


