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Leveraging Large Data with Weak Supervision for Joint Feature and Opinion Word Extraction

  • 摘要: 特征词和情感词的抽取在情感分析领域是一项比较重要工作。在本文中,我们提出了一种基于大量未标注的评论数据,仅使用少数的特征词-情感词的搭配作为先验知识,来抽取语料中的特征词和情感词。


    Abstract: Product feature and opinion word extraction is very important for fine granular sentiment analysis. In this paper, we leverage large scale unlabeled data for joint extraction of feature and opinion words under a knowledge poor setting, in which only a few feature-opinion pairs are utilized as weak supervision. Our major contributions are two-fold: first, we propose a data-driven approach to represent product features and opinion words as a list of corpus-level syntactic relations, which captures rich language structures; second, we build a simple yet robust unsupervised model with prior knowledge incorporated to extract new feature and opinion words, which obtains high performance robustly. The extraction process is based upon a bootstrapping framework which, to some extent, reduces error propagation under large data. Experimental results under various settings compared with state-of-the-art baselines demonstrate that our method is effective and promising.


