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徐志伟, 李振营, 俞子舒, 李奉治. 信息高铁:一种全球低熵高通量算力网[J]. 计算机科学技术学报, 2023, 38(1): 103-114. DOI: 10.1007/s11390-022-2898-7
引用本文: 徐志伟, 李振营, 俞子舒, 李奉治. 信息高铁:一种全球低熵高通量算力网[J]. 计算机科学技术学报, 2023, 38(1): 103-114. DOI: 10.1007/s11390-022-2898-7
Xu ZW, Li ZY, Yu ZS et al. Information Superbahn: Towards a planet-scale, low-entropy and high-goodput computing utility. JOURNAL OF COMPUTER SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 38(1): 103−114 Jan. 2023. DOI: 10.1007/s11390-022-2898-7.
Citation: Xu ZW, Li ZY, Yu ZS et al. Information Superbahn: Towards a planet-scale, low-entropy and high-goodput computing utility. JOURNAL OF COMPUTER SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 38(1): 103−114 Jan. 2023. DOI: 10.1007/s11390-022-2898-7.


Information Superbahn: Towards a Planet-Scale, Low-Entropy and High-Goodput Computing Utility

  • 摘要: 约翰·麦卡锡在1961年庆祝麻省理工学院百年庆典的一次演讲中提出了效用计算的愿景,包括按需计费服务、大型计算机和私人计算机三个关键概念。60年后,尽管网格计算、服务计算和云计算均取得了进步,但麦卡锡的算力网愿景尚未完全实现。本文基于云计算领域最新进展,提出了一种称为“信息高铁”的算力网。本文认为一个全球算力网即将成为主流现实,并且其面临的技术挑战是可解决的。在有数十亿用户、数万亿设备和泽字节级数据的全球互联环境下,信息高铁视角尽可能保留了麦卡锡的愿景并使得现代的重要需求更加明确。算力网通过全球规模、低熵及高通量算力,提供按需计费的计算服务。本文阐述了算力网的三个显著特征,并提供了初步证据支撑这一观点。初步实验数据表明信息高铁可以同时提升通量和利用率。


    Abstract: In a 1961 lecture to celebrate MIT’s centennial, John McCarthy proposed the vision of utility computing, including three key concepts of pay-per-use service, large computer and private computer. Six decades have passed, but McCarthy’s computing utility vision has not yet been fully realized, despite advances in grid computing, services computing and cloud computing. This paper presents a perspective of computing utility called Information Superbahn, building on recent advances in cloud computing. This Information Superbahn perspective retains McCarthy’s vision as much as possible, while making essential modern requirements more explicit, in the new context of a networked world of billions of users, trillions of devices, and zettabytes of data. Computing utility offers pay-per-use computing services through a 1) planet-scale, 2) low-entropy and 3) high-goodput utility. The three salient characteristics of computing utility are elaborated. Initial evidence is provided to support this viewpoint.


