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赵环宇, 李晓林. H信任机制:点对点网格中一种工作组的信任管理方案[J]. 计算机科学技术学报, 2009, 24(5): 833-843.
引用本文: 赵环宇, 李晓林. H信任机制:点对点网格中一种工作组的信任管理方案[J]. 计算机科学技术学报, 2009, 24(5): 833-843.
Huanyu Zhao, Xiaolin Li. H-Trust: A Group Trust Management System for Peer-to-Peer Desktop Grid[J]. Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 2009, 24(5): 833-843.
Citation: Huanyu Zhao, Xiaolin Li. H-Trust: A Group Trust Management System for Peer-to-Peer Desktop Grid[J]. Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 2009, 24(5): 833-843.


H-Trust: A Group Trust Management System for Peer-to-Peer Desktop Grid

  • 摘要: 1. 研究动机与创新点:
    近年来,作为一个迅速发展的热门研究领域,点对点网格在科学计算,文件共享,网络服务,虚拟环境计算等起到了重要影响。与传统网格结构不同,在点对点网格中,各个节点既是客户端同时又是服务端。 同时点对点网络的匿名性与自治性,以及无中心服务器的完全分布式结构造成了点对点网格无法避免的安全性问题。信任与信誉机制对点对点网格的安全性至关重要。但当前存在的大多信誉系统只考虑了单个节点的信誉。而在对点对网格实际应用中,很多工作是由多个节点组成的工作组来完成的。为了解决点对点网格中工作组的信任机制的建立以及管理等问题,我们提出了“H信任机制”系统解决方案。
    2. 实现方法:
    3. 结论:
    4. 实用价值:


    Abstract: Peer-to-Peer Desktop Grid (P2PDG) has emerged as a pervasive cyber-infrastructure tackling many large-scale applications with high impacts. As a burgeoning research area, P2PDG can support numerous applications, including scientific computing, file sharing, web services, and virtual organization for collaborative activities and projects. To handle trustworthiness issues of these services, trust and reputation schemes are proposed to establish trust among peers in P2PDG. In this paper, we propose a robust group trust management system, called H-Trust, inspired by the H-index aggregation technique. Leveraging the robustness of the H-index algorithm under incomplete and uncertain circumstances, H-Trust offers a robust personalized reputation evaluation mechanism for both individual and group trusts with minimal communication and computation overheads. We present the H-Trust scheme in five phases, including trust recording, local trust evaluation, trust query phase, spatial-temporal update phase, and group reputation evaluation phases. The rationale for its design, the analysis of the algorithm are further investigated. To validate the performance of H-Trust scheme, we designed the H-Trust simulator HTrust-Sim to conduct multi-agent-based simulations. Simulation results demonstrate that H-Trust is robust and can identify and isolate malicious peers in large scale systems even when a large portion of peers are malicious.


