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徐媛媛, 朱策, 虞露. 无线网络中多描述编码图像通信的多路径选择方案[J]. 计算机科学技术学报, 2014, 29(4): 576-588. DOI: 10.1007/s11390-014-1451-8
引用本文: 徐媛媛, 朱策, 虞露. 无线网络中多描述编码图像通信的多路径选择方案[J]. 计算机科学技术学报, 2014, 29(4): 576-588. DOI: 10.1007/s11390-014-1451-8
Yuan-Yuan Xu, Ce Zhu, Lu Yu. Multipath Routing of Multiple Description Coded Images in Wireless Networks[J]. Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 2014, 29(4): 576-588. DOI: 10.1007/s11390-014-1451-8
Citation: Yuan-Yuan Xu, Ce Zhu, Lu Yu. Multipath Routing of Multiple Description Coded Images in Wireless Networks[J]. Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 2014, 29(4): 576-588. DOI: 10.1007/s11390-014-1451-8


Multipath Routing of Multiple Description Coded Images in Wireless Networks

  • 摘要: 多描述编码(MDC)通过对一个信源编码生成多个描述来解决信息丢失的问题。 本文研究了在传统无线网络和可以进行网络编码的无线网络中多描述编码图像通信的多路径选择问题。首先,我们采用时分链路调度的方法来消除无线干扰,进而对传统网络中考虑无线干扰的多描述多路径选择问题进行了概括,最终得到了对应于最小图像失真的最佳路径选择方案。其次,对可进行网络编码的网络,我们评估了一种实用无线网络编码在多个单播通信中的有效性。网络编码能增加无线网络中多描述编码图像传输速率;由于网络编码混合信息可能造成的不能解码问题可以通过使用多描述编码得到缓解。为了减少图像传输失真,我们提出了一种既考虑无线干扰又考虑网络编码机会的多路径选择方案,来达到消除无线干扰带来的副作用和增加网络编码机会之间的平衡。仿真结果验证了本文两个方案的有效性。


    Abstract: Multiple description coding (MDC) generates multiple decodable bitstreams for a source to combat information loss. In this paper, multipath routing problem for two-description coded images is investigated for traditional and coded wireless networks without and with coding capability at intermediate nodes, respectively. Firstly, we formulate an interference-aware MDC multipath routing for traditional networks by employing a time-division link scheduling method to eliminate wireless interference, and ultimately obtain an optimal path selection corresponding to the minimum achievable distortion. Secondly, for coded networks, we evaluate practical wireless network coding (NC) in delivering descriptions of multiple unicast sessions. While NC increases maximum supporting flow rate of MDC descriptions in wireless networks, possible undecodability of NC mixed information is alleviated by MDC. To minimize achievable distortion, a proposed interference-and-coding-aware MDC multipath routing strikes a good balance between minimizing side effect of wireless interference avoidance and maximizing NC opportunity. Simulation results validate the effectiveness of the two proposed schemes.


