Dataflow architecture has shown its advantages in many high-performance computing cases. In dataflow computing, a large amount of data are frequently transferred among processing elements through the network-on-chip (NoC). Thus the router design has a significant impact on the performance of dataflow architecture. Common routers are designed for control-flow multi-core architecture and we find they are not suitable for dataflow architecture. In this work, we analyze and extract the features of data transfers in NoCs of dataflow architecture:multiple destinations, high injection rate, and performance sensitive to delay. Based on the three features, we propose a novel and efficient NoC router for dataflow architecture. The proposed router supports multi-destination; thus it can transfer data with multiple destinations in a single transfer. Moreover, the router adopts output buffer to maximize throughput and adopts non-flit packets to minimize transfer delay. Experimental results show that the proposed router can improve the performance of dataflow architecture by 3.6x over a state-of-the-art router.