Performance Comparison of AVS and H.264/AVC Video Coding Standards
A new audio and video compression standard of China, known as advancedAudio Video coding Standard (AVS), is emerging. This standardprovides a technical solution for many applications within theinformation industry such as digital broadcast, high-densitylaser-digital storage media, and so on. The basic part of AVS,AVS1-P2, targets standard definition (SD) and high definition (HD)format video compression, and aims to achieve similar coding efficiency asH.264/AVC but with lower computational complexity. In this paper, wefirst briefly describe the major coding tools in AVS1-P2, and thenperform the coding efficiency comparison between AVS1-P2 Jizhun profileand H.264/AVC main profile. The experimental results show that theAVS1-P2 Jizhun profile has an average of 2.96% efficiency loss relativeto H.264/AVC main profile in terms of bit-rate saving on HDprogressive-scan sequences, and an average of 28.52% coding loss oninterlace-scan sequences. Nevertheless, AVS1-P2 possesses a valuablefeature of lower computational complexity.